For Landlords: Rent Increase Laws in Orlando

For Landlords: Rent Increase Laws in Orlando

Renting out your property can be a lucrative investment. But if you want to maintain your yields, you’re probably going to have to raise the rents once in a while.

If you are a landlord in Orlando, it is important to understand the rent increase laws in the area. Knowing how much you can increase rent, when you can increase it, and how to properly give notice of a rent increase can help you avoid legal issues and maintain good relationships with your tenants. In this article, we will explore these key aspects of rent increase laws in Orlando.

How Much Can You Increase Rent?

One of the first questions landlords often have is how much they can increase the rent for their properties. Florida does not have rent control, so in Orlando there is no specific limit on how much you can increase rent. However, it is important to keep in mind that excessive rent increases can potentially strain your relationship with your tenants and lead to vacancies.

When deciding on a rent increase, it is crucial to consider the current rental market in Orlando. Research the average rental prices in your area and compare them to the current rent you are charging for similar properties. This will help you determine a fair and reasonable increase that aligns with market trends.

Another important factor to consider when contemplating a rent increase is the condition of your property. Have you made any significant upgrades or improvements that would justify a higher rent? Tenants are more likely to accept a rent increase if they see the value in the form of better amenities, improved maintenance, or enhanced living spaces.

When Can You Increase Rent?

In Orlando, landlords are allowed to increase rent when the lease term is up for renewal. This means that you cannot increase rent during the middle of a lease term unless the lease agreement explicitly states otherwise.

Landlords must provide proper notice before implementing a rent increase. Typically, this notice period is outlined in the lease agreement or is mandated by local housing laws. According to Florida law, tenants are owed anywhere from 7 to 60 days notice before a rent increase can go into effect depending on the situation. However, it is highly recommended that landlords provide as much notice as possible to maintain good relations with their tenants and allow them time to plan for the adjustment.

How Do You Increase Rent?

When it comes to implementing a rent increase, open and transparent communication with your tenants is key. Start by reviewing your lease agreement to make sure it allows for rent increases, and then follow these steps:

  1. Research current rental prices in your area to determine a reasonable increase.

  2. Prepare a written notice of the rent increase, including the new rental amount and the date it will take effect.

  3. Provide the notice to your tenant in writing, usually through certified mail or hand-delivery with a witness present.

  4. Allow sufficient time for the tenant to review the notice and provide any feedback or concerns.

  5. If the tenant agrees to the rent increase, update the lease agreement to reflect the new amount.

Remember, it is crucial to comply with all laws and regulations regarding rent increases and provide proper notice to your tenants. Don’t hesitate to seek legal advice in order to make sure everything is by the book.

Giving Notice of Rent Increase

In Orlando, landlords are generally required to provide 60 days' written notice before implementing a rent increase if the tenant is under a fixed term lease. This gives tenants ample time to adjust to the new rental amount and make any necessary financial arrangements.

When giving notice, ensure that the notice is in writing and includes the specific details of the rent increase, such as the new amount and the date it will take effect. Provide the notice in a way that can be documented, such as certified mail or hand-delivery with a witness present.

Additionally, landlords may want to consider including a brief explanation or justification for the rent increase in the notice to help tenants understand the reasoning behind the adjustment. This can help maintain a positive relationship between landlords and tenants and foster open communication regarding changes in rental terms.

Final Thoughts: Rent Increase Laws in Orlando

As a landlord, it is crucial to be informed about the rent increase laws in Orlando. By understanding how much you can increase rent, when you can do so, and how to properly give notice, you can maintain a positive landlord-tenant relationship and ensure compliance with the law.

Remember to always communicate openly with your tenants and provide them with sufficient notice when planning to increase rent. By following the proper procedures and respecting the rights of your tenants, you can navigate rent increase laws successfully while maintaining a thriving rental business in Orlando.

Looking for a property management company in Orlando to assist with rent collection, market insights, and more? Reach out to our local team to learn about our services and how we can benefit your rental business!
